Building Social Bridges
The Official Blog of Ekaterina Walter
Love, Not Buzz: Why Your Brand Needs Customer Advocacy
Being a marketer is tough. There’s are whole industries designed to ignore you. You strategically run a commercial during the finale of a widely popular show – only to have your audience DVR it. You run a radio spot during rush hour – hoping to catch people during...
What Your Conference Room Names Say About Your Company Culture
What do conference room names have to do with the culture of positivity? More than you think. Company’s office speaks loudly about not just the company itself, but its leadership and its culture. Little things like how internal traditions or employees’ accomplishments...
How the Experience Cloud Will Redefine Modern Business
A loyal customer of more than five years has an issue with one of your products. She tweets at your brand, hoping for a quick resolution. Your community manager replies, providing her with the email address of your customer care department. But when the customer...
The Experience Economy: The 5 Pillars Of Successful CXM
Consumers, as a whole, are undergoing a transformational shift in what they value most. Instead of accumulating owned possessions, more often than not customers are opting in to create memories through “renting” experiences. Rather than building their iTunes library,...
4 Brands That Stole Our Hearts On Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is notorious for polarizing feelings of both love and hate. Some plan for weeks for the perfect night while others try their hardest to pretend it doesn’t exist. For advertisers though, the feelings of love are unanimous. And it’s no wonder, with the...
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win – And Keep – Your Customers’ Hearts And Minds
Ekaterina can deliver a number of tailored talks on the topics of digital transformation, marketing, intrapreneurship, and more.
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