Building Social Bridges
The Official Blog of Ekaterina Walter

3 A’s of Resolving Social Customer Complaints
Anyone can master the art of resolving and preventing customer complaints online. Here is how.

Mantras That Guide Thriving Organizations
For centuries different tribes, teams, and organizations came up with mantras and slogans that motivated, elevated, and inspired. These mantras led people and helped shape internal culture. Here are 6 that your company might want to adopt.

People Join Because Of Great Vision, People Leave Because Of Poor Leadership
There are plenty of brilliant ideas out there, but there are very few leaders who can build a successful business. Having an idea only takes you the first several steps towards the long journey of turning that idea into reality, the rest of it is miles and miles of skills required to run day-to-day operations, to hire and – most importantly – retain the right talent, ability to network and find the right partners, ability to procure additional funding, the list goes on.

10 Mind-Blowing Stats about the Digital Landscape in Brazil
If you are a business looking for global expansion, here are ten reasons why you should be paying attention to Brazil.

3 Qualities of People Who Drive Transformative Change
Transformation isn’t easy. It requires changing not only people’s minds, but their hearts as well. Not a simple task. Here are 3 qualities of people who drive transformation.
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win – And Keep – Your Customers’ Hearts And Minds
Ekaterina can deliver a number of tailored talks on the topics of digital transformation, marketing, intrapreneurship, and more.
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