Building Social Bridges

The Official Blog of Ekaterina Walter


No Such Thing As Too Much Passion

“Whoa! So much passion! Simmer down. You are giving me a headache!” If you are passionate about something to the core, then I bet you’ve heard that a thousand times. From your managers, from your peers, maybe even from your friends. You immediately feel like the wind...

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The blog is based on author(s) personal opinions & interpretations & not those of author(s) employer(s), past or current.

The Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win – And Keep – Your Customers’ Hearts And Minds

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Ekaterina can deliver a number of tailored talks on the topics of digital transformation, marketing, intrapreneurship, and more.
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powervisual_thThe Power of Visual Storytelling: How to Use Visuals, Videos, and Social Media to Market Your Brand

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thinklikezuck_thThink Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook’s Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg

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