Building Social Bridges
The Official Blog of Ekaterina Walter
My Next Professional and Personal Adventure
Here’s what’s next for me and it’s exciting!
One Quality That Separates True Business Leaders From One-Hit Wonders
Why do some starups fail when they have it all and why do others succeed against all odds?
Modern Entrepreneur’s Guide for Hiring in the Digital Age
Recruiting is one of the most important priorities the company can ever invest in: it can either advance or stall company’s growth. Here are 5 proven strategies to attracting and hiring the best talent in the digital age.
How to Keep Your Marketing Job Through the AI Revolution
Artificial Intelligence (AI), the buzzword of the year, is becoming a growing influence in the marketing industry. And for better or worse, it’s poised to change your career. Here are five skills you’ll need to survive the AI boom in marketing over the next five years.
The Missing Ingredient of Modern Marketing
Remarkable companies enable remarkable experiences at every touchpoint.
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win – And Keep – Your Customers’ Hearts And Minds
Ekaterina can deliver a number of tailored talks on the topics of digital transformation, marketing, intrapreneurship, and more.
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