Building Social Bridges
The Official Blog of Ekaterina Walter
Lead Like Zuck: Business Lessons from a 30 Year Old Who Redefined the Way People Communicate
This month Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO and co-founder of Facebook, a $155B company, turned 30. Happy birthday, Mark! Over the past 10 years, as he was building the largest global social network, Zuck had a lot of supporters, as well as critics. But whether you love him...
Mark Zuckerberg Turns 30: What Will The Next Decade Hold For Facebook?
This month Mark Zuckerberg turned 30 years old. Congratulations are in order, for both the notable personal milestone and for what Facebook’s co-founder and CEO was able to build in his twenties. Love him, or hate him, there is a reason why Zuckerberg is the 26th...
Heart Marketing: 4 Companies That Include Customers In Their Advertising
As media campaigns become increasingly 360 degree – with Facebook pages, hashtags and digital reach becoming an integral part of so-called ‘traditional’ advertising – brands are looking more to their fans to chime in and tell their stories. User-generated elements of...
4 Cs Of Enlightened Leadership
The other day I talked to a CEO of a successful start-up about key ingredients for success. We agreed that leadership is the most important component of building a thriving business. But we found that there is a difference between an average leader and a self-aware or...
7 Interesting Ways Brands Are Using Pinterest
Visual marketing is all about creating buzz through images – so there’s no wonder brands were quick to see the potential in Pinterest, that ultra-hot social media site where photos are center-stage and sharing is second nature to your audience. Pinterest only launched...
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win – And Keep – Your Customers’ Hearts And Minds
Ekaterina can deliver a number of tailored talks on the topics of digital transformation, marketing, intrapreneurship, and more.
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