We go through life building not only on our own experiences, but experiences and advice of others. Whether on purpose or accidentally, we connect with people who change our views and opinions, who ignite our passions, who impact our lives and even shape our path.

Success is a team sport. No one person can ever possibly know everything or possess all of the skills necessary to make a dream a reality at large scale.

That’s why we partner with others. Whether they are investors who contribute to the success of a venture financially, or they are employees who help a business mature by contributing their skills and experience, or they are vendors who provide the supplemental resources needed for the growth of a company, or spouses and family members who bring necessary emotional support during tough times, or friends who offer access to their networks to open up new opportunities, or even customers who believe in the vision of a business and are passionate about its products or services, the reality is these people define us. These partnerships are why we walk the path we are walking and why we finally get to a destination — a destination we call “a goal,” “an accomplishment,” “ a dream.”

Everything in life is build on relationships. There is no such thing as a “self-made man.” And if anyone tells you otherwise, that person doesn’t understand the power of partnerships, the power of network, the power of generosity.

This quote from a friend, the networking guru and highly successful individual Keith Ferrazzi, in his book Never Eat Alone sums it up nicely:

“Wherever you are in life right now, and whatever you know, is a result of the ideas, experiences, and people you have interacted with in your life, whether in person, through books an music, email, or culture. There is no score to keep when abundance leads to even more abundance. So make a decision that from this day forward you will start making the contacts and accumulating the knowledge, experiences, and people to help you achieve your goals.

But first be honest with yourself. How much time are you ready to spend on reaching out and giving before you get? How many mentors do you have? How many people have you mentored? What do you love to do? How do you want to live? Whom do you want to be a part of your life?”

So I ask you:

  • Who are you going to have lunch with tomorrow?
  • Who are you going to say “thank you” to for their generosity and for getting you this much closer to your destination?
  • Who are you going to offer “How can I help you?” to today?


Originally posted on Medium

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